Decision - Rusudan Bolkvadze vs. Shota Palavandishvili

Applicant : Rusudan Bolkvadze;
Respondent : Shota Palavandishvili;
Violated Principle : principle6;
December 22, 2017
Case N164

Rusudan Bolkvadze vs. Shota Palavandishvili

Head of Council: Giorgi Mgeladze

Member of Council: Tamuna Uchidze, Jaba Ananidze, Tazo Kupreishvili, Maia Mamulashvili, Nino Jafiashvili

Applicant: Rusudan Bolkvadze

Respondent: Shota Palavandishvili

Description part: 

Rusudan Bolkvadze applied to Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics council. She thought that the episode aired on 5th of September of 2017 in the TV Iberia news show violated Charter principles 1, 4, and 6. Author of the episode was Shota Palavandishvili. It was about events in Tumanishvili Theatre. Specifically, about letting art director Keti Dolidze from the Mikheil Tumanishvili artist theatre. The episode had an interview with applicant in it. Applicant attended the hearing. Respondent did not attend the hearing or provide the response.

Motivation Part

According to the first principle of the Charter – “Journalist must respect truth and the society’s right to get precise information”. Applicant thinks that the first principle in the piece was violated because of the following phrase: “She works in the theatre from the founding day [meaning the applicant]”. Rusudan Bolkvadze said that she had not been working in theatre from the founding day and joined the cast after several years. In this case the Council thinks that the information was not inherently incorrect. By the phrase “She works in the theatre from the founding day” the journalist wanted to underline the close connections that Rusudan Bolkvadze has with the theatre, the crew, its history and the events.

Considering that: 1] theatre has been functioning for several decades; 2] Rusudan Bolkvadze joined the cast after several years of foundation; 3] journalist tried to show Rusudan Bolkvadze’s close connection to the theatre, it would not be incorrect to say that Rusudan Bolkvadze “has been working in the theatre since the founding day”.

The violation of 4th and 6th principles, according to the applicant had the same basis: in the video you could have heard a phone call with Rusudan Bolkvadze where she talked about the ongoing happenings in the theatre and her own negative opinion about Keti Dolidze. Rusudan Bolkvadze said that in the beginning she declined an offer of interview, because she did not want her position to be publicized, but afterwards she agreed to confidentially provide information, which was agreed upon. The applicant said: “[the journalist] started an open-hearted talk and warned me that he would not have used the call in the video”. In spite of agreement, Rusudan Bolkvadze’s evaluations, position and information were made public and showed in TV. In this case, Council had to check whether 4th or 6th principles were violated in this case.

The 4th principle of the Charter: “Journalist should use only fair and just methods while acquiring photos or documents”.

The 6th principle of the Charter: “Journalist has a moral responsibility not to disclose the confidential information source.

It is a fact that Rusudan Bolkvadze provided information out of her own volition. She was not forced or pressured in unfair way to get the information; therefore, the 4th principle cannot be violated. On the other hand, it is clear that Rusudan Bolkvadze told the journalist not to publicize the information/evaluation and thought of herself as a confidential source. She asked to maintain this confidentiality to the journalist too. This agreement was violated by the journalist and publicized her position/evaluations. Therefore, Council thinks that the 6th principle of the Charter was violated.

Resolution part 

Based on the information above:

1. Shota Palavandishvili violated Charter principle 6.

2. Shota Palavandishvili did not violate Charter principles 1 and 4.